Monday, March 5, 2018

Basking in the love and attention of my son!!!

My loving 7 year old son is at a stage that he seeks so much of our attention and our time.  At times when my body is dead tired, I wonder why does he do it considering that he is already a growing big boy.. But then, I immediately change my chip knowing that there will come a time that he will stop demanding for my attention which is part of his transition to adolescence and eventually adulthood. 

I always boast jajaja (stage mother yes I am!) of my son´s great reading ability. But still every night, he still asks for either dad or I to read a story.  And we oblige although I won´t deny that sometimes my  husband and I would exchange lovely and glaring glances jajajaja as to whose turn it is to read a story. Jajajajaja And not only that, my son also requires that we give him a body massage so he can go to sleep. Hahahaha This body massage is just basically tapping lightly his legs or his head until he doze off to sleep. 

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, while my entire body is in deep slumber and I am oblivious to my surroundings, a loving, familiar voice will scream “Mom, please come to my room” hahahahaha… At times, I would reply telling him to just go to our room and we will co-sleep or in most cases, I would go to his room and just give him a quick hug until he goes back to bed. 

My son still wants me to carry him in my arms, all with his healthy 28 kilos and will request me to sit on my lap as I shake him as if he were a baby.. And I would still do it.  I also find joy in doing that.  I can honestly say that I miss the times, the days when I could carry him in my shoulders or carry him in my back, piggy back style. 

How I love that my son and I would always hold hands everytime we would go out.  I hold his hand more often that I do hold the hands of my original love, my husband. Hahahahaha

My son would occasionally ask me to help him tidy himself up after a potty session.  I would ask him why he would ask me to do it considering that he is already a big boy.. And he would just reply that because he likes me to assist him. And with that answer, I will not say no.  I do it.  Jejejeje

My son demands that we take him out.  He demands jajajaja to be in the playground, to be outside our home. He loves to be in the same, familiar places like museums, metro stops, bus stops. jajajaja  And it is tough on the days that both hubby and I were not feeling well or were feeling dead tired. So we manage but making sure that in the event that we cannot go out as a family of 3, at least one parent is out with our son.  We play basketball with him, dad rides the bike with him, we walk a lot together!! We enjoy sight seeing! 

It is not about spoiling my son.  I personally see this as living the moment.  My son understands on the days that I can´t read a story to him because I have migraine or I am really exhausted from work.  He would just give me a big good night hug and a big good night kiss and go to bed by himself.  My son respects and understands our family rules. 

We all lived our infancy, childhood and our transition to teenage years and eventually adulthood.  And we know that eventually we will aspire for our personal space, prefer to go out more often with our friends, we will embark on our university life and then worklife which mean less time at home and with our parents.  I know that time will come for my son and I would love him to enjoy it. I am praying real hard to raise my son correctly and in a balanced way and that opportunities will come to his path so he can have a good life.

In the meantime, I am basking in my son´s undivided time and attention even if it means losing a part of me in the process.  Let´s enjoy motherhood.  I love you always my son! My one and only precious son!!

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