Thursday, June 28, 2018

Road to Wellness... Still on Medical leave.. now on my 1st month...

Today, 28th of June, I am officially on my 1st month of medical leave.  My medical leave is attributed to my anxiety attacks.  

I am grateful for this medical leave as I am able to do things at a slower and more tranquil pace, I am in close contact and coordination with my medical team (my general practitioner doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist and therapists).  

During this month, when I am on my medical leave, I dedicated my time, energy and efforts on the following: 

1.  Medical visits - necessary to keep in touch with my doctors and of course, taking my prescribed medicines and pills 
2.  Adapting to the medicines that I am taking - just last week, my doctor increased the dosage of one of my pills and I was sensitive the entire week, almost crying the entire week and was quite exhausted even if I was doing minimum activities 
3.  Maximizing my time with my son - I took him to his school and is taking him to his summer camp.  I always cook his food.  I spend time all the possible free time that  I have.  
4.  Yoga and meditation 
5.  Quiet solitude moments - I take the time to walk/do footing at my pace, connect with nature by being in parks, places with a lot of trees, I read books, watch tv/netflix at my pace 
6.  I connect to work.  I have my work laptop at home and connecting at work, doing some tasks is also relaxing for me and it makes me stay connected at work. :) 
7.  I regularly go to the Church.  After taking my son to his summer camp and completing my morning walk, I make it a point to go to the Church to pray, give my thanksgiving to our Lord, our Savior. 
8.  I get in touch with family and friends who are across the miles!!! 
9.  I spend time doing therapeutic massages and acupuncture.  Thanks to Pilar and Borja who have been very helpful and attentive to me.  
10.  I cook a lot.. I concoct special and easy dished but made with so much love!!! 

I am grateful for this medical leave and I trust and put all my faith that this too shall pass.  Everything will turn out well.  So help me God.  Thank you Lord Jesus!!! 

**** not my images.  taken from the web.  Thank you. 

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