Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Road to Wellness.. Trying Unorthodox methods to deal with anxiety

From the onset that I was diagnosed with anxiety, I have been open to trying all sorts of methods to deal with it and eventually end it. 

I am doing a combination of the traditional and non-traditional path.  

The Traditional path:  ongoing medical appointments with my general doctor, the psychiatrist and the psychologist.  I am taking in 2 types of pills:  preventive and anti-anxiety/chill pill.  

The unorthodox, non traditional path:  I am doing acupuncture which is traditionally oriental/Asian but is not considered as a scientific treatment here.  And recently, I have also tried the Flores de Bach en Castellano/Bach Flower Remedies in English.  Both are considered to reduce if not eliminate the occurences of anxiety. 

Acupunture is the use of needles on certain points of your body that helps the flow of energy.  It alleviates migraine, muscle pain and helps the body to physically and mentally combat anxiety. 

Flores de Bach, Bach Flower Remedies is consist of taking in flower materials diluted in water.  This solution does not contain any chemicals, is essentially not a legitimate drug or prescribed medicine.  This is not clinically tested.  However, the solution gives you a soothing effect that allows the mind and the body to relax and eventually enables you to deal with anxiety. 

I am also doing sacro craneal which is anti stress.  

I am hopeful that combining these traditional and unorthodox methods will help me overcome my anixety.  But most of all, I need to be patient (PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE!!!) and keep on believing that this is just a phase and that this too shall pass.  

As the Koreans would say.. AJA!! Fighting!!  So help me God!! :)  

Not my photos.. Lifted from the Internet.  thank you. 

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