Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Amateur Cook in Me. Simple, Easy, Healthy Recipes for a Busy yet committed working mom like me

Baked Fish (Seacod, Hake)
    1. Clean fish and pat dry with a kitchen towel.
    2. Season with salt and pepper (optional).  Pour in juice extract of one medium size lemon.  Drizzle with olive and dill.
    3. Cook in the oven for 16-20 minutes. 
    4. Ready! Enjoy!

Tortilla de Patata/Spanish Tortilla

    1. Thinly slice 2 small sized potatoes or 1 medium sized potato. Thinly slice onions (optional)
    2. Beat 5 eggs. 
    3. Pour olive oil into a pan and slowly cook the potatoes until they are tender, add and cook the onion (if applicable).  Remove the potatoes and the onion from the pan and drain excess olive oil.
    4. Incorporate the drained potatoes and onion to the beaten eggs.  Add salt to taste. 
    5. Reduce olive oil from the pan.  Pour the egg and potato mixture into the pan.  Cook one side.  When the bottom is already cooked, gently cover the pan with a plate.  The idea is to flip over, turn over the pan and the egg mixture.  As you turn over the pan, make sure that the plate and the omelette are intact.  Gently put the partially cooked part of the omelette to the pan for cooking. 
    6. The Spanish tortilla is cooked when both sides are already in solid state. 
    7. Ready! Enjoy!

Ovencooked Chicken Breast or Fish Fillet and Mushrooms

    1. Season the chicken breast with salt and pepper.  Drizzle with olive oil.
    2. Season the fish fillet with salt. Add garlic, juice extract of a medium sized lemon.  Drizzle with olive oil and dill.
    3. Season the mushroom with olive oil, salt and parsley.
    4. Arrange them in a pan and cook in the oven for 20-25 minutes. 
    5. Ready!  Enjoy!

Tomato Salad

    1. Slice 2-3 medium sized tomate Iberico in quarters
    2. Add Fish flakes (tuna)  and Pepper relish (optional)
    3. Drizzle with olive oil

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