Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Amateur Cook In Me.. Various Recipes in this Covid Quarantine

Here are the recipes of some of the dishes that I prepared during this time of covid.  Needless to say, they are delicious, budget friendly and cooked with love.  

Asian Dish:  Beef with Broccoli 
Complexity:  Medium 
Prep and Cooking time:  45 minutes 

1. Beef sirloin
2. Ginger or turmeric 
3. Garlic 
4. Onion
5. Cornstarch dissolved in water 
6. Broccoli 
7. Carrots 
8. Olive Oil 
9. Water 
10. Egg 
11. Ground black pepper 

1. In a bowl, put the beef and add the soy sauce, cornstarch, black pepper and egg.  Mix well and set aside. 
2. Blanch the carrots and the broccoli and set aside. 
3. In a pan, pour the olive oil and saute a portion of the the garlic and the onion. Add the ginger. 
4. Add the beef. Cook the beef until tender and set aside. 
5. Saute the remaining garlic, onion and ginger.  Add the blanched broccoli and carrots.  Pourthe remaining soy sauce, cornstarch dissolved in water. And mix.  Add the ground pepper to taste.  Let it boil. 
6. Add the beef and simmer for 7 minutes. 
7. Best served with steamed white rice.  Enjoy! 

American Dish:  Home made Flatbread (home made dough) 
Complexity:  Easy 
Prep and Cooking time: 3 hours 

For the dough: 
1. Flour 
2. Salt 
3. Water 

For the flatbread: 
1. Mushrooms 
2. Garlic 
3. Canned tomato sauce 
4. Mozarella cheese 
5. Ham

1. For the dough: Mix the flour, salt and water.  Knead until the ingredients are properly incorporated. Cover with damp towel or in a kitchen film and set aside for 1 hour to let it ferment/set. 
2. When the dough is set, with the rolling pin, form it as a pizza or flatbread base. 
3. Slice the ingredients - mushroom and garlic. 
4. Prepare the flatbread. Flatbread dough, tomato sauce, mozarella cheese and the toppings. 
5. Cook in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. 
6. Enjoy!! 

Spanish Dish: Merluza con Salsa Verde 
Complexity:  Easy 
Prep and Cooking time:  30 minutes 

1. Hake/Merluza 
2. White wine for cooking 
3. Parsley 
4. Potatoes 
5. Onion 
6. Olive Oil 

1. In a pan, pour the olive oil and cook the potatoes until they are brown.  Set aside. 
2. In the same pan, saute the onion, add the fish (hake/merluza) and add the white wine.  Let it simmer until the alcohol from the white wine evaporates. 
3. Add the potatoes. Cook them all together until the potatoes are cooked. 
4.  Add the parsley. 
5. Ready and enjoy your meal! 

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