Saturday, April 11, 2020

Covid Chronicles: To Miss or Not To Miss.

Covid pandemic has changed our lifestyle and routine.  Am I missing my old routine or not? We are already on day 31 of the home confinement and the change has been noticeable.
While I am most grateful that I can work from home and that I am blessed with the essential resources to adapt in this home confinement. And needless to say, as an authentic introvert this home confinement has gave me so much time for my much needed retrospection and introspection.  

But, a coin always has 2 faces. There are many facets of living that I am missing while we are in this period of quarantine.

1. Cleaning up:  Read:  Dressing up, putting on very light make-up, wearing my fancy shoes, accessories and putting on my gorgeous bags.
2. Rushing :) while tranquility is good, the occasional adrenalin rush caused by almost fixed public transport schedules, one meeting room to another, etc is a good booster
3. Seeing my boylets in the office! Yes, I am married, a mom and an old woman but... that does not mean that I no longer appreciate the looks and the appeal of my colleagues. I´ve always had my top 5 in every organization I´ve been through. I miss seeing, saying hi and chatting with my top 5 at work.
4. Interacting with peopleVisiting and getting in touch with family and friends. interacting and exchanging casual conversations withcolleagues and the cleaning lady at work.  It is amazing how a simple hi, hola, que tal, lead to profound conversations!
5. Doing our Family weekend routine - my personal early morning weekend run and long walks, weekend family dine out, weekend family long walks, visits to the park. Being spontaneous - not having plan and just taking the metro or having my feet lead me to wherever, especially on weekends.
6. Queuing and witnessing busy lines and almost "cheek to cheek" closeness in the supermarkets, public transports, bakeshops. :)
7. Buying my magazine supplies in my favorite magazine kiosk.
8. Doing online shopping and the operation is seamless. Nowadays, there is a seeming high volume of online transactions!
9.  Going to the church.

I maybe confined in my home but I am loving every second of it. As I stay at home during this covid pandemic, I am most grateful to:
1. Be able to fulfill this full time homemaker routine and lifestyle - household chores, domestic living, unlimited and limitless cooking
2. Have unhurried time to do all the household chores and work responsibilities
3. Have all of my Me time anytime I want to - reading time, meditation in the form of ironing the clothes, journaling (after 8 long months, I am able to update my blog, yehey!!) etc
4. Have unlimited netflix time (yes, you are talking to one couch potato here)
5. Be able to video call with my family in the Philippines, anytime. 
6. Have all the time spent for all of my indoor physical exercises and activities.
7. Have all the time with my family - spending time with my son and husband is just the best!  Family mealtime together, always! The family that eats, prays, plays, laughs, talks and does things  together, stays together.

Life is not perfect but life is beautiful.  Hopefully, we will be able to go back to our normal routine.  Resuming to our normal routine means that the covid effect is diminishing  and we are  flattening the curve;  restaurants, museums, schools and all other trade, commerce and businesses will resume operations, so hopefully the economic impact will be mitigated. 

In the meantime, let us continue to pray and seize the day. Enjoy every moment of this. There is always a silver lining no matter how difficult, gray and gloomy times may be. Hang on and keep the faith.

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